
Soulmates Kindred Spirit Maura Matarese Soulmates Kindred Spirit Maura Matarese

When You Have A True Heart To Heart Connection With Someone These 20 Things Occur

Helen Keller understood the essence of a true heart connection when she said the following: “ the most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

These days it seems that Keler’s wisdom sometimes falls on deaf ears. Those who search for a soulmate in the age of modern love, tend to find that there are so many choices and so many ideas about what an ideal mate should look like, feel like and act like. Many buy into the illusion that their destined partner in crime should meet all their wants, needs, ideals, and expectations.

And if they don’t, then “that perfect person” that they believe they deserve and were meant to have, is only a “smart phone” swipe away.

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