
loss of intimacy Maura Matarese loss of intimacy Maura Matarese

Are You Falling Out Of Love? What The Psychology Of Attraction Says About The “Love Drug” And Lasting Romance

Almost nothing feels more disconcerting and anxiety provoking than when you begin to realize that you are falling out of love with the one you thought was your forever person. Questions such as: what does this mean? Are we over? Can we fall back in love?... can sometimes flood you with lots of uncomfortable feelings, and overwhelm you.

But before you walk out the door and head for the hills, have an affair, vape, or swallow some xanax, just take a moment and breathe. Falling out of love with your partner happens, but it doesn’t necessarily mean all is lost. You can deal with your existential angst over this by dedicating some time to understanding some basic principles on what the psychology of attraction says about the “love drug” and lasting romance.

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loss of intimacy Maura Matarese loss of intimacy Maura Matarese

Can Practicing Tantra Save Your Relationship: The Answer May Surprise You!

Mega Rockstar Sting swears by it.So do many other celebrity and non -celebrity tantric practitioners, who claim to have found the secret to lasting love and sexual bliss. But does practicing tantra really help couples, particularly couples who are in complicated relationships, or on the brink of no longer being a couple, find their way back to both walking and lying in fields of gold? The answer unfortunately is: that depends.

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